Warranty Replacements
If you’re having a problem with your wireless device, just contact Verizon
Wireless toll-free at 1-866-406-5154 from a landline phone. We’ll
diagnose the issue with you right over the phone. If we can’t resolve
the problem while you’re on the line and the problem is caused by a
manufacturing defect within the first year you own the device, we’ll
send you a Certified Like-New Replacement (either a like unit or one of
comparable quality) right to your door.
Assistive Communication Devices
TTY (Text Telephony) and TDD (Telecommunications Device for the
Deaf) allow individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech or
language disabilities to communicate by telephone.
When a user types his or her conversation on a TTY keyboard, it is
transmitted as tones through the telephone. Tones are received by the
other person’s TTY, translated into text and displayed on the screen. In
order to use the TTY network, you must have a TTY-compatible phone
and be in the TTY mode to place or receive calls. Note that most digital
wireless devices are TTY-compatible.
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